Completed Practical Javascript

March 07, 2019

Today I learned about DOM manipulation via JS and the different cases of the this keyword.


You can get/set classes of elements with .className

When you add an event listener to an element, an event object is passed to the callback function. The event object has many useful properties on it such as:

  • .target which shows you which element triggered the event
  • .parentNodewhich shows you the parent element of the target

parseInt() is a built in method which converts numerical strings into numbers

DOM event delegation is a mechanism of responding to ui-events via a single common parent rather than each child, through the magic of event bubbling (aka event propagation) (E.g. adding an event listener to a <ul> element rather than adding one to each child <li> element)

The this keyword can be thought of as a special variable that changes depending on the situation.

Case 1: In a regular function, (or if you're not in a function at all) this points to the windowobject

Case 2: When a function is called as a method, this points to the object that's on the left side of the dot

Case 3: In a function that's being called as a constructor, thispoints to the object that the constructor is creating.

Case 4: When you explicitly set the value of this manually using .bind, .apply or .call, it's all up to you. (.bind, .apply. and .call are methods on functions where this is set to the first argument passed).

Finally completed Practical JavaScript. To be honest I barely remembered some of the DOM and this keyword information so it was a great refresher. Looking forward to the premium material!

P.S. Also applied to Lambda School. Will do my best to get accepted!

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