Built & Launched a Portfolio Website
April 26, 2019
My friend, a photographer/videographer, asked me to build a portfolio website for him.
We started off by discussing the objective, and agreed that building a custom site wasn't the most efficient choice.
Objective: Show potential clients prior work and provide them with an opportunity to hire him for video/photography work.
Tech: WordPress + JupiterX theme. I chose WordPress so it's easy for him to maintain and update content. Picked JupiterX theme for one of their nice prebuilt layouts and Elementor integration.
Next up was planning out the content, navigation, and site structure. I sketched out a basic layout of the visual hierarchy and content.
Some minor changes were made to the pre-existing theme layout (removed sections that weren't relevant and added some others).
The most time consuming part of the project was making the portfolio page. Each photoshoot and videoshoot has its own WordPress Portfolio element and each picture/video is in its own Elementor portfolio block.
Renaming the files and attributes for SEO also took a lot of time, as well as resizing/compressing them for site speed performance.
We used Cloudways for hosting. Check it out live at: www.nearmedia.cc
Overall he seemed pleased with the result, and it was a good learning experience as well.